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gay,singapore, christian gay, jesus, homosexual, christianity, Why should the marriage amendement act be defeated ,What does Jesus say about Gays, christians, law, grace, gay children, injustice, christian right, post modern, marcus bogg, karl bath, bon hoeffer, coming out, doubt, hope, bible and homosexuality, chinese and gay, paul gay, john gay, david and jonathan gay, exodus, ex-gay, liberty league, national council of churches singapore, islam gay, auschwitz, stonewall, hurricane katrina, rome, athens, samaria, jerusalem


8 Nov 2010 - The unique purpose and calling of God for the modern gay Eunuch 24 Nov 2010 - The idol worship in clobber verses 22 Nov 2010 - Religious extremism in Pakistan 20 Nov 2010 - The Ethiopian Gay Eunuch 17 Nov 2010 - What is "natural" and "for this reason" in Romans 14 Nov 2010 - The abomination in Leviticus 12 Nov 2010 - The Righteousness of God and sexual acts 10 Nov 2010 - Sodom - a place of religious abomination 04 Nov 2010 - Georgia Mega Church Pastor comes out shaking America 02 Nov 2010 - Obama - hoping for a miracle 30 Oct 2010 - A Social Justice experience of Hillsong 28 Oct 2010 - A friend of God, Gays or the Pharisees 25 Oct 2010 - Uganda - In need of God's grace 21 Oct 2010 - Lonnie Frisbee - A Gay vessel for the Holy Spirit 15 Oct 2010 - CHC's new advisory board - Does it matter? 12 Oct 2010 - FCC - a place where I am proud to call Home 09 Oct 2010 - The Mormon AntiGay Outrage 06 Oct 2010 - The unnecesarry death of Tyler Clementi and the issue of shame 04 Oct 2010 - Christian Right - FOTF blocks move to protect gays 02 Oct 2010 - Jakarta Hardliners - Mask of Sin 30 Sept 2010 - Bishop Eddie Long - the Goliath fights back 27 Sept 2010 - A Tragedy - Bishop Eddie Long 25 Sept 2010 - Gays causing global warming, says some Christians 23 Sept 2010 - Godly leadership - being like Jesus 21 Sept 2010 - Catholic Pope visit draw protests by Angels 18 Sept 2010 - Sodom and Gomorrah in Iraq – where the weak are raped and killed 16 Sept 2010 - Accepting the stranger in our midst 14 Sept 2010 - A Burning question of Faith 12 Sept 2010 - For Malaysian Gay Christians, Is there Hope? 09 Sept 2010 - Remembering 911 06 Sept 2010 - African Bishop Conference targets gays 04 Sept 2010 - Glenn Beck / Sarah Palin ain't no MLK 02 Sept 2010 - No State Support for Exodus in New Zealand 29 Aug 2010 - Former GOP Chief, Ken Mehlman COMES OUT. 27 Aug 2010 - Is Obama a Christian? the test of Cordoba House 25 Aug 2010 - A "Sad-om" story from Malaysia 22 Aug 2010 - Here I am - the burning bush experience in the desert 17 Aug 2010 - Prop 8 - How to appeal when not harmed nor the defendant 15 Aug 2010 - Benny Hinn's mere humanity 09 Aug 2010 - Proposition 8 overturned - the truth is spoken 05 Aug 2010 - Prosperity theology - more about self 03 Aug 2010 - Festival of Praise Singapore 2010 01 Aug 2010 - Samaritan woman - liberty through living waters 27 July 2010 - Choices for Liberty - Mary or Martha 25 July 2010 - Archbishop Desmond Tutu, an activist of Christ for GLBT, retires 23 July 2010 - Defending the secular space in SG 19 July 2010 - Mega Churches arising in Singapore 17 July 2010 - Gay marriage - Argentina 15 July 2010 - Defense Of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional - redemption coming 12 July 2010 - Churches in wrong business; should be bringing in the sheaves 08 July 2010 - Conversion / reparative therapy and spiritual rape 04 July 2010 - The Armageddon Factor in Singapore 01 July 2010 - A coming flood of judgement and justice 27 June 2010 - Leadership change at CHC 25 June 2010 - Sun Ho's grand lifestyle 23 June 2010 - Ending of Prop 8 trial - crossing the line of In-justice and oppression 21 June 2010 - A falling Church reputation in Singapore - The slippery slope into abyss 19 June 2010 - New Creation Church – A joke gone too far – justice at last 15 June 2010 - City Harvest under Investigation - Thou shalt not copy 11 June 2010 - City Harvest under investigation - Worshiping our heroes/idols 09 June 2010 - City Harvest under investigation - pleading for God's grace 07 June 2010 - It's not only about City Harvest 05 June 2010 - City Harvest investigated - Good stewardship? 03 June 2010 - City Harvest Church Singapore under investigation 01 June 2010 - Gay Christians – finding pride in Christ, a new life far beyond ourselves 24 May 2010 - Congressmen Mark Souder resigns - The focus on the Law by Christian Right brings out Sin 23 May 2010 - African Christians crossing the line ordained by God soon 22 May 2010 - Singapore Pink Dot 2010 19 May 2010 - Living by the Spirit of God instead of the Law 17 May 2010 - Inter-faith relationships only, no dialogue as we are exclusive 16 may 2010 - Pope condemns gays whilst praying to Fatimah 15 May 2010 - Christianity Today blames gay equality for straight marriage infidelity 11 May 2010 - Learning from George Rekers 06 May 2010 - Pastor Kong Hee - unbalanced on the gay issue 03 May 2010 - Pastor Kong Hee and Sexual Morality 01 May 2010 - Asian Anglicans leads crusade against the West and Gays 24 Apr 2010 - God is calling on the Anglican South 20 Apr 2010 - True Victims denied justice 16 Apr 2010 - The silence of the Lambs broken 09 Apr 2010 - Jesus, a friend of sinners 04 Apr 2010 - Easter – A Reminder that Jesus died for the Gay community too 27 Mar 2010 - Anti-gay Catholic Church covers up sexual abuse 21 Mar 2010 - Living an authentic Christian lifestyle and not in denial 15 Mar 2010 - Jack Neo should seek God's grace, not Law. 13 Mar 2010 - Jack Neo uses wife to ask for mercy 09 Mar 2010 - City Harvest Making a difference & the Jack Neo Affairs 06 Mar 2010 - The Wedding day tolls in Washington DC 27 Feb 2010 - Let's not compromise on speaking the truth, says Cornerstone 23 Feb 2010 - Pastor Rony likens gays to dogs 22 Feb 2010 - A Question of Dignity 21 Feb 2010 - Pastor Tan unrepentant on gays 20 Feb 2010 - Losing Integrity unnecessarily 19 Feb 2010 - Persecuted for whom 14 Feb 2010 - When we are no different than Pastor Rony Tan 13 Feb 2010 - The Road to Jericho - ignoring facts and human realities 12 Feb 2010 - Militant Secularists after Rony Tan claims Christian Post 11 Feb 2010 - Christian Post SG & Pastor Rony Tan 09 Feb 2010 - Pastor Rony Tan and imparting grace 05 Feb 2010 - People Like Us in Christ (PLUC) 02 Feb 2010 - When the Body of Christ becomes inclusive 30 Jan 2010 - Keeping the Commandments of Jesus Christ 23 Jan 2010 - Malaysia - the battle to represent God 21 Jan 2010 - A prophecy for the African Christian nations 17 Jan 2010 - Haiti - Are we a Light to Christ 16 Jan 2010 - Ireland - Making Grace cheap through the Law 09 Jan 2010 - Malaysia - The Transgender and Cross Dressing 04 Jan 2010 - Welcome 2010 - Just to care 02 Jan 2010 - Standing up for Christ - outing Hillsong 28 Dec 2009 - Faith in our gentle Savior 27 Dec 2009 - The Fear of the Gay Homosexual 26 Dec 2009 - Dominion Theology Part 3 - the Gay scapegoat 26 Dec 2009 - Dominion Theology Part 2 - the uphill battle 22 Dec 2009 - The battle for World Dominion Part 1 - the Singapore connection 20 Dec 2009 - The New Reformation Dominion Agenda 19 Dec 2009 - The Samaritan Purse 18 Dec 2009 - Lives lost in Iran, Uganda, and Nigeria 14 Dec 2009 - Rick Warren and Kill Gay Bill 13 Dec 2009 - Why Christians fear gays! 10 Dec 2009 - Sex and Christianity 02 Dec 2009 - Singapore's Archbishop stirring the witches’ cauldron. 29 Nov 2009 - Bible and Homosexuality 24 Nov 2009 - How Gay marriage undermines the Catholic Faith 21 Nov 2009 - Carrie Prejean – the revelation of fallen Christianity 14 Nov 2009 - Billy's Full Gospel of Love and Compassion 07 Nov 2009 - Jesus love gays @ 06 Nov 2009 - Maine - A journey through the Valley of the Shadow of death 31 Oct 2009 - The time has come - a manifesto to let my people go 25 Oct 2009 - May God protect Gay Ugandans from harm 20 Oct 2009 - Even the Unrighteous servant gave grace 16 Oct 2009 - Hope Marches on in the midst of darkness 13 Oct 2009 - Finding authentic Christianity against hate 08 Oct 2009 - God loves Gay Children, this I know 04 Oct 2009 - What God has made clean and Holy, no one can call dirty 01 Oct 2009 - No stopping God's work in the GLBT community 27 Sept 2009 - May grace comes from the China Wine Debate 23 Sept 2009 - Liberty and Justice comes first 22 Sept 2009 - Forgive for our God is a Good God 18 Sept 2009 - "Homosexual Agenda - Silencing the Christians" alleged Fundamentalists 18 Sept 2009 - When the sin of Hypocrisy Reigns, Grace abounds much more 12 Sept 2009 - Sin, and causing no harm 05 Sept 2009 - Time to walk by faith and come out 29 Aug 2009 - Therefore the Redeemed shall return 22 Aug 2009 - A tidal wave of freedom - no more hiding 15 Aug 2009 - Freedom in a exclusive Christ 04 Aug 2009 - Traditional Marriage and a mighty river of change 01 Aug 2009 - Anti-gay Don cancels New York University assignment after criticisms. 25 July 2009 - O Lord - Forgive and deliver us 17 July 2009 - Abortion, a time to change heart 11 July 2009 - Christian Right in adultery - be ye holy 04 July 2009 - Winds of change in India - coming soon to SG 30 June 2009 - Michael Jackson - his pain, our pain 26 June 2009 - Anthony Yeo - God's Grace to Us 20 June 2009 - Christian Right is always Right But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy and not sacrifice. 18 June 2009 - Free speech of religious extremist snipped 13 June 2009 - The Ex-Gay offence 09 June 2009 - Let us not be quick to forget the grace of God 06 June 2009 - May the bible truth set us free to see Jesus, God's grace 05 June 2009 - Secularism versus religious activism 03 June 2009 - Late term abortion Doctor slained in church 02 June 2009 - Postman Christians on trial 29 May 2009 - Press Reporting of Aware Revolution Polarised Society, MP retracts accusation 28 may 2009 - Proposition 8 judgement - crossing the line ordained by God 27 May 2009 - Power of a rainbow nation 24 May 2009 - irish Commission reveals church cover up of grave sins 23 may 2009 - Change is possible 20 May 2009 - Christian Ethics Expert - Aware involvement legitimate 17 May 2009 - Aware Anglican women perform crucial service NCCS chief explains 17 may 2009 - Government re-affirms space for gays 16 May 2009 - Evidence for Heterosexual Gene 16 May 2009 - Disapproval of Homosexuality almost exclusively Christian 10 MAY 2009 - AWARE - Ashamed of the Gospel 09 May 2009 - AWARE - A time to sacrifie innocent lambs 08 May 2009 - AWARE - A God of Justice - We won 07 May 2009 - AWARE - Were You there? 03 May 2009 - AWARE - peace at last 28 Apr 2009 - AWARE - the battle for a Kingdom Transformation of SG 28 Apr 2009 - AWARE and market place evangelism 25 Apr 2009 - AWARE - Real Coup by Homosexual Activists? 25 Apr 2009 - Aware – An awareness of a militant Christian Right in Singapore 23 Apr 2009 - AWARE - a time for PRIDE 21 Apr 2009 - Is Homosexuality a gift from God? 21 Apr 2009 - Is Jesus coming back soon - part 2 17 Apr 2009 - Is Jesus coming back soon - part 1? 17 Apr 2009 - A miracle in vermont 14 Apr 2009 - Iowa - the bell tolls 07 Apr 2009 - Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life 27 mar 2009 - O Lord come and heal our Land, take away our shame and pain 20 Mar 2009 - Coming to God alone without hiding 13 Mar 2009 - Lord make us an instrument of peace not hate 07 Mar 2009 - Wasted Years - God is calling you out of the closet 01 Mar 2009 - When Grace beckons 23 Feb 2009 - Boundaries of the Kingdom of God 17 feb 2009 - Let us walk again, a closer walk with thee 10 feb 2009 - America under Obama - when Justice prevail, He will come and save you 03 Feb 2009 - Pastor ted Haggard Out again 27 Jan 2009 - from gaza to the battle for jerusalem 21 Jan 2009 - Auld Lang Syne, and a new beginning 21 jAN 2009 - A Grave Mistake by Christians on Gay Issues, a call for a clean heart 14 Jan 2009 - at Christmas, a special gift from the UN 14 Jan 2009 - Morning has broken - Obama & Rick Warren 07 Jan 2009 - UN Declaration - A religious dicrimination against true love 20 Oct 2007 - no longer looks like Jesus 377A - IMF 31 377A - Do you know What spirit you are of Alexa Stats  

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